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Configuring Oscam propertly to work with


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Firstly install Oscam version for your decoder. Best is to install latest version of Oscam.

After you install it, start oscam  and login to Oscam Web Interface. Web IF mostly running on ports ( 8888,83,8181,8881 etc )

After logged in, click on Readers tab.Then on Add reader.Enter CCcam in reader label, and choose Cccam as protocol. Then click on Add.

After that we need to add server details, and to enable reader.

Mark checkbox Enable as active.

In field device enter server hostname and server port in this format. yyyyyy,xxxx    ( yyyyyy is server hostname and xxxx is server port )

Choose group ( group must be same as for your dvb api user otherwise it will not work in most cases it is group 1 )

Skip CWs checksum field, please enter following 0500:030B00;1819:00006D;09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000;092B:000000;1884:000000;091F:000000;1813:000068;0B01:000000;1830:000000;0500:060A00,060C00 

Next set username and password fields.

Set cccam version to 2.1.2. And mark checkbox Keep Alive. 

Save reader config.

Reader is set , now we move to Config -> Global . Find field Client max idle , and set value to 0.

After that move to tab DvbApi. Check enabled , and set your dvbapi username ( this username must be active under Users )

PMT mode : In most cases it is set to 0. There are some receivers that require other value , but most it is value 0.

Request mode ( important ). This should be set to 0. If it is set to other value, server can see this as resharing and block your line.

Delayer: 0 or leave blank

Save config.

Users config.

Make sure that Dvbapi user group is same as reader group. And also that for Dvbapi user is checked Keep alive.

Now there is only need to install Dvbapi list. Copy it from emails, and paste it through FILES -> oscam.dvbapi . Click on save.

After that restart your receiver, and you will have propertly set Oscam.